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But words can never hurt me... and other mid-year mischiefs!
I'm not entirely sure how it is June, but it is past time for some mid-year updates from the writing desk. As a fan of the...
March Missive
Here's hoping everyone's having a wonderful 2023 so far! Fresh off the back of a scroll-free February where I buried social media in a...
Free The Verse - Feast
Welcome to 2023! Here are some wishes from me to you for a bright and beautiful year ahead, full of the people and places and play you...
Flash Frontier: An Adventure in Short Fiction
Greetings from Aotearoa New Zealand, where we've recently celebrated not only the shortest day of the year, but fiction in one of its...
Once Upon a Time in Queenstown
"Fairy tales are eternal. They are full of symbolism and commentary on the human condition, embracing the idea that light can triumph...
Wish Upon a Southern Star
This week I'm off on an adventure to Christchurch! I'm heading there to meet a flock of authors from Australia and New Zealand and...
A New Home!
Welcome to my new abode! It's a digital hobbit hole many hours in the making, and I hope you'll make yourself at home. Up till now, I’ve...
News: Blog
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